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INTERVIEW: Gianna Adams

Hi, welcome to VENTS! How have you been?

I have been doing great! Extremely busy but great! Super excited that The Christmas season is arriving and the festivities can begin! I’m such a Christmas junkie lol.
Can you talk to us more about your new video “Dear Santa”?
The video for this song is very simple, and was literally shot amongst that fun Christmas decorations in my house! I wanted the video is be fun, upbeat, silly and rather than mega structured project just be simple and relatable and something playful that looks like it was shot on my own computer. On top of that, I’m wearing a super dorky elf onesie that I may or may not wear all the time so thats something to look forward too haha.
With the winter festivities approaching, “Dear Santa” captures the cozy home spirit of the holidays.
What is your favorite part of the holiday season?
I love the holiday season in general so that’s a tough one, but some of my ( favorites are cozy winter clothes, decorating because I’m obsessed with decorations and crafty things lol), and just spending time with my loved ones playing games together and just doing fun festive activities together. Another amazing thing is my family’s annual Christmas Eve party, it’s full of delicious Italian foods and cakes, so many in fact we literally don’t eat for days leading up to it because it all prep for that night… lol. But It’s definitely one of my favorite days of the year!
How was the rehearsing and recording process?
The rehearsal and recording process was very repetitive and a lot of work as all things usually are but it was overall still such a fun time. Literally I was wearing my elf onesie, fuzzy socks, the whole deal, while in the studio. It was a long nit picky recording process but the overall product in the end was so worth it! When you love something so much, of course it’s hard work but it’s always the best time too.
How did your family influence the creative process?
My parents are both in the music industry so they are always helping and influencing everything throughout the process. They give very honest options and are always listening with unbiased ears for what to adjust or change and how to make it’s the best it can be, which is super beneficial! My dad is a killer music producer and produces my music and did the Dear Santa track as well, so his influence was definitely involved in our development of the track and throughout the entire process honestly. I guess you could say my family plays a giant role in it all and I’m very grateful to have them to help guide me ( as tough as it can be sometimes… cause ya know… parents…haha).
Do you have a new project in the works – how’s that coming along?
I am currently in the process of working on and finishing my first EP that will be released in 2018. As a songwriter that’s always working on and writing new things it was tough to select which songs were right for this specific collection and what sides of me I want to share through my new music. But I’m extremely proud of what we are working on and so beyond excited to finally share these songs that, I hold close to my heart, with everyone.
Any tentative release date or title in mind for the project?
The album name has yet to be officially decided on, (picking one it much tougher then I expected haha) and I don’t have specific release dates yet but as of now me and my team are planing to release 1-2 singles from the EP in January-March leading up to its official release around April of 2018.
You do a lot of traveling, how has that influenced your creativity?
Traveling is something I really enjoy and I think just experiencing new places, settings, and feelings can really bring inspiration or even bring new found knowledge that can bring translated and circle back around to wind up in a new song. Seeing different people, living different lives, with different views, different stories and experiences is so cool to see, listen to, and observe. Knowing more and gaining insights like that really help develop more stories to share and tell.

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